Here you will find a lot of information to better understand performance and health measurements as well as tips about racehorse training and well-being.
Weather conditions: how do they affect the performance of racehorses?
Weather conditions play a significant role in the performance of racehorses. Whether it’s temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, precipitation or atmospheric pressure, each factor can influence a horse’s performance on the track.
Conditioning of the athletic horse
The conditioning of the athletic horse takes place through physiological changes. During training, the body adapts to the loads applied to his various skeletal, muscular and cardiovascular systems.
How do these different systems adapt? What is the purpose of their conditioning?
Roxane and Laurent’s experience – Écurie des Carrés
We had the chance to talk to Roxane and Laurent, owners and riders at the Écurie des Carrés, which offers breaking-in, pre-training and sales preparation. They share with us their experience with Equimetre, and how they integrate it into their daily work with horses.
Fitness markers: what should you look for in a racehorse?
A racehorse’s recovery is one of the main indicators of its state of fitness. Analysed alongside the intensity of the work required, heart rate (HR) is an excellent indicator of the intensity of the effort made by the horse and its recovery after the effort. An optimal state of fitness is shown by the ease with which the horse recovers after exertion.
What is a Data Success Manager?
Our team of Data Success Managers is at your side to help you fully benefit from our Equimetre solution. In this article, you’ll find out a little more about these essential members of our team who support you daily.
Conditioning vs training: what are the differences in horses?
Conditioning and training are terms that could be confused. Although both terms lead to an improvement in the horse’s abilities, they do not have the same effects on the horse. This article explains the principle of conditioning and its effects, as well as those of training.
Equine Physiology
Racehorse training
Young racehorses
Health & Science
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How to individualize your racehorses’ training thanks to data?
As each racehorse is unique, training adaptation should be consistent. Thanks to data, it is now possible to anticipate and solve some problems that would be undetectable without the help of technology.
Ciaron Maher Racing: creating a Sports Science unit
Expectations, reality and results in creating a Sports Science unit in a racing stable. Discover Ciaron Maher Racing’s experience with EQUIMETRE and Arioneo.
7 reasons to train racehorses with a finish line
You want to train your racehorses with a connected finish line ? Discover 7 good reasons to adopt this technology thanks to Arioneo !
Compare two debutant horses : How to use it ?
Discover how to compare two debutants horses to enter them at the right time and on the right race. This very important step allows you to ensure the safety and performance of your racehorses.
Introduction to balneotherapy for athlete horses
This article puts to light the novator balneotherapy treatments for horses. Wether it is used for recovery, wellbeing or performance, this method is gaining in momentum. Discover the pros and cons of this athlete horse healthcare method.
Why quantify the racehorse’s training workload?
Discover why quantifying the racehorse training workload has become necessary nowadays: measure the progress, collect data, complete your feeling…
Sudden death in racehorses: the well-being at stake
Sudden death, is defined according to the WHO as the natural death of an individual whose delay between the appearance of the first alarming symptoms and death is less than 48 hours.
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Christopher Head’s EQUIMETRE experience
On the occasion of a photo shoot at Christopher Head’s stables in Chantilly, we chatted about his use of EQUIMETRE.
John Ortiz’s Equimetre experience
We had the chance to talk with John Ortiz, thoroughbred trainers in the United States. He shared with us his experience with EQUIMETRE, and how he integrated it into their daily work with horses.
Michael Keady’s Equimetre experience
We had the chance to talk with Michael Keady, co trainer at Murphy and Keady Racing. He shared with us his experience with Equimetre, and how he integrated it into their daily work with horses.