Here you will find a lot of information to better understand performance and health measurements as well as tips about racehorse training and well-being.


Navigating your data provider transition seamlessly: 5-Step guide

Navigating your data provider transition seamlessly: 5-Step guide

In the dynamic world of equine performance analytics, choosing the right data provider is crucial for maximizing your horses’ potential. If you’re considering a transition or seeking alternatives, Equimetre is here to ensure a seamless switch, enhancing your training outcomes without skipping a beat.

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Heart murmur and performance: are they compatible?

Heart murmur and performance: are they compatible?

The cardiovascular system can be compared to a huge orchestra, and the presence of any structural defect can alter the functioning of the system and throw the orchestra out of harmony. A heart murmur is added to the initially audible heartbeat and becomes a false note in the orchestra, requiring the trainer to intervene on several levels.

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Equine Physiology


Racehorse training

Young racehorses

Health & Science



ECG of the athletic horse

ECG of the athletic horse

The electrocardiogram (known as ECG) is a veterinary tool that records the electrical activity of the heart. It allows to investigate and monitor the heart function of the horse by displaying the electrical activity of the heart.

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The role of data in racehorse pre-training

The role of data in racehorse pre-training

Racehorse pre-training increases the likelihood of success on the track. To maximize the performance of young athletes, racehorse trainers understand the necessity of developing muscle strength, boosting general fitness, and providing proper ground work.

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John Ortiz’s Equimetre experience

John Ortiz’s Equimetre experience

We had the chance to talk with John Ortiz, thoroughbred trainers in the United States. He shared with us his experience with EQUIMETRE, and how he integrated it into their daily work with horses.

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Breaks in racehorses: how to proceed?

Breaks in racehorses: how to proceed?

The break in a racehorse is a period of rest. With performance being the key to success, the importance of a proper break for horses may arise. In this article, we will explore in detail the concept of the ‘break’ in racehorses and explain why it is a crucial element in maximising their performance.

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Muscle memory in the athletic horse

Muscle memory in the athletic horse

During training, the horse engages what is known as his muscle memory, so that his muscles are able to carry out the effort almost automatically. However, the source of this memory is not in the muscle, but in the brain.

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Locomotion data: what’s in it for the day-to-day work?

Locomotion data: what’s in it for the day-to-day work?

Locomotion data helps us to understand how a horse moves around the track, providing valuable information about its physical ability, fitness and potential. Every horse has its own stride, and the way in which its canter is constructed varies little throughout its life. By looking at the parameters of cadence and amplitude at a fixed speed, we can obtain indications of a horse’s theoretical preferred distance.

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From Flemington to Ballarat: Dom Sutton’s Equimetre experience

From Flemington to Ballarat: Dom Sutton’s Equimetre experience

Our representatives from Arioneo in Australia had the opportunity to speak with Dom Sutton at his stables in Ballarat about his experience with and use of Equimetre. As young startup stable, transitioning from Flemington to Ballarat, data has been a strong asset in the team organization.

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