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Accueil 9 Equimetre 9 Xavier and Louis Blanchet’s Equimetre experience ( Page )

We were lucky enough to meet Xavier and Louis Blanchet, trainers at Chantilly. They told us about their experience with Equimetre and how they integrate it into their daily work with horses.

What is their training method? Why introduce data into training?

Find out all the answers in this interview and watch the video!

Can you introduce yourself?

Xavier Blanchet : My name is Xavier Blanchet, and I’ve been training for six months with my little brother Louis, who got his license in January.

Can you tell us about your training method?

Louis Blanchet : Our training system is based on the 2-year-old horses. It’s a mix between the English method I learned and the French method Xavier learned. We train here in Chantilly, and partly in Lamorlaye. We use the polytrack to prepare the young horses, which we then send to the Piste des Lions to give them strength and more rhythm.

What led you to introduce data into your training method?

Louis Blanchet : We don’t claim to be able to prepare horses with just our eye and our experience. We wanted to integrate specific data into our training, and we are lucky enough to have trackings carried out by France Galop for several years now. This gives us quality information on the speed and sectionals the horses have to do. The number of furlongs they have to do at what speed. We tried to integrate both, to be as close as possible to a race pace and go to the races with greater peace of mind, with a horse that has a good level of fitness and the ability to run and perform.

How do you integrate EQUIMETRE into your training method?

Louis Blanchet : We took Arioneo a few months ago. We mainly monitor gallops, which we retrieve immediately afterwards to get very quick information and anticipate a next gallop, if the horse needs one, or direct the horse immediately to a race. It also enables us to communicate very important and reliable information to our customers.

What’s your favourite setting?

Xavier Blanchet: For me, it’s speed. It’s very interesting to know how many sections the horses have covered and at what kilometer per hour.

Louis BlanchetRecovery is interesting, but the most important thing is to see the regularity of the 200-meter sections. I like to be able to see if the horses manage to maintain a constant speed and heart rate over the work.

Keywords : Xavier Blanchet, Louis Blanchet, data, EQUIMETRE, testimonial, equine technology, heart rate, speed.