Jan 23, 2024 | Equimetre, Racehorse training, Testimonials
We were lucky to interview thoroughbred trainer Trevor Andrews regarding his utilization of Equimetre. Why did you integrate Equimetre and data collection into your daily training routine, and who initiated the idea? Do you think using Equimetre is part of your...
Dec 8, 2023 | Equimetre, Racehorse training, Testimonials
We were lucky enough to meet Xavier and Louis Blanchet, trainers at Chantilly. They told us about their experience with Equimetre and how they integrate it into their daily work with horses. What is their training method? Why introduce data into training? Find out all...
Nov 22, 2023 | Racehorse training, Sports & Data, Young racehorses
Home 9 Category: Racehorse training Pre-training racehorses allows for optimizing their chances of success on the track. Racehorse trainers are aware of the importance of developing muscle strength, enhancing overall fitness, and conducting appropriate groundwork...
Oct 4, 2023 | Equimetre, Racehorse training, Testimonials
Accueil 9 Category: Racehorse training On the occasion of a photo shoot at Christopher Head’s Chantilly stables, we discussed his use of EQUIMETRE. How can EQUIMETRE, the racehorse tracking solution, be an asset to your training system? Find out Christopher...
Oct 4, 2023 | Equimetre, Racehorse training, Testimonials
Accueil 9 Category: Testimonials We had the chance to talk with John Ortiz, a thoroughbred trainer in the United States. He shared with us his experience with Equimetre, and how he integrated it into their daily work with horses. Why had he decided to collect...
Sep 19, 2023 | Equimetre, Physiology, Racehorse training
Accueil ( Page ) The break in a racehorse is a period of rest. With performance being the key to success, the importance of a proper break for horses may arise. In this article, we will explore in detail the concept of the ‘break’ in racehorses and explain...