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Home 9 Testimonials 9 Maher-Eustace Racing data journey with Equimetre ( Page )

In 2020, the Ciaron-Eustace stable decided to embark on the Equine Sports Science journey by integrating a training monitoring tool for the first time. To do so, they decided to use Equimetre.

In this article, find the many resources on their use of the data, as well as the results obtained.

«Every sport in the world has improved with sport science and I always thought horse racing should be no different. The data is something that doesn’t lie. Racing has always been a sport of opinions: that’s what it’s based on. I’ve always been wanting to push the boundaries of “why” that opinion is the right decision or the wrong decision. By curating a sports science division, we’ve made a commitment to this, and see the results on the track.»

Ciaron Maher 

ciaron maher uses equimetre

Training top racehorses with EQUIMETRE

ciaron maher uses equimetre

Maher implements Sport Science Methods

This report on Ciaron Maher’s stable is provided by Racing.com. Discover the Sport Science team, which works every day on the analysis of data as well as trainer feedback.

Equine Performance Analysis Webinar

With the help of real-life examples from the racing stables of the famous Australian trainer Ciaron Maher, discover how tracking data can be used to improve the performance and health management of racehorses.

The stable has improved from an 18% win strike rate and $18.1 million in total prizemoney received in 2019-20 to $23.3 million (18.6%) and $28.6 million (19.9%) in the years afterwards.