Jul 29, 2020 | Physiology
Home 9 Category: Physiology ( Page 4 ) Monitoring the impact of a race on your horses is an important step when ensuring they recovered well. Race day is the day for which all racehorses are trained: training is only intended to optimise the horse’s performance...
Jul 24, 2020 | Racehorse training, Speed
The type of track has a strong impact on the performance of the horses. They are all affected by the condition and nature of the track on which they run, but they won’t be impacted in the same way. Each horse has one or more types of track on which he will perform at...
Jul 23, 2020 | Physiology
Home 9 Category: Physiology ( Page 4 ) How do racehorses create energy? To better analyse heart rate, recovery and objectively assess your horses’ fitness, it is useful to investigate the physiological mechanisms involved when the athletic horse is...
Jul 3, 2020 | Health & Science, Racehorse training
Home ( Page 12 ) Sudden death in racehorses is the natural death of an individual whose delay between the appearance of the first alarming symptoms and death is less than 48 hours. (according to the WHO). The particularity of such a death is that the horse appears...
Jun 30, 2020 | Physiology, Racehorse training
Home 9 Category: Physiology ( Page 4 ) Racehorse’s recovery is one of the main indicators of a horse’s fitness: the better the recovery, the better the fitness. The joint analysis of the intensity of the workload and the horse’s physical condition enables...