Oct 12, 2022 | Testimonials
Accueil 9 Category: Testimonials Discover Gabriel Leenders’s EQUIMETRE experience. With a success rate of 72% of horses placed or victorious, he is one of the top 5 French jump trainers. How can EQUIMETRE, a racehorse tracking system, help him in his...
Oct 25, 2021 | Health & Science
Home 9 Category: Health & Science ( Page 2 ) Our team had the chance to interview Dr. Emmanuelle van Erck, veterinarian specialized in equine sport medicine, about the consequences of pulmonary haemorrhage in the racehorse. This pathology affects many...
Oct 6, 2021 | Testimonials, uncategorized
Home 9 Category: uncategorized The great Clarken Racing stable has invested in Equimetre to collect and analyse data. Here is what their insight about the product and how they use it : “Being able to collect data and match this with our visual observations...
Aug 11, 2021 | Testimonials
Home 9 Category: Testimonials ( Page 3 ) Raphael Freire is a racehorse trainer. Jockey since the age of 16, it was in 2019 that he decided to become a trainer. Find out how data allows him to complement his feeling and differentiate himself with a new approach....
Jul 16, 2021 | Standardbreds
Home 9 Category: Standardbreds Interval training is a sports training method with different cycles of exercises and includes a work phase followed by a recovery phase. This type of session, specific to the training of Standardbreds, can be analyzed using a heart...