Oct 14, 2020 | Racehorse training, Stride analysis
The horse’s locomotion is strongly influenced by the track on which he moves. Indeed, the racehorse does not move in the same way on deep ground as on a slope. The quality and the type of track are deciding factors of the speed strategy during a race. This section...
Oct 13, 2020 | Racehorse training
Home 9 Category: Racehorse training ( Page 8 ) Buying a horse thanks to data The emergence of data in the world of horseracing and racehorses sales is still a very recent trend. However, its use has been booming in recent years. Trainers are slowly beginning to...
Oct 7, 2020 | Stride analysis
Home 9 Racehorse training 9 Category: Stride analysis ( Page 2 ) Although stride frequency and stride length are key parameters, objectifying locomotion requires the use of other tools. Indeed, other indicators can provide different information when it comes...
Oct 3, 2020 | Racehorse training, Stride analysis
Home 9 Racehorse training 9 Category: Stride analysis ( Page 2 ) The trot and gallop are two jumping gaits: for a brief moment none of the horse’s limbs are in contact with the ground. This suspended time can be used to rise in height, e.g. dressage...
Sep 29, 2020 | Racehorse training, Speed, Sports & Data
Home 9 Racehorse training 9 Category: Speed As racehorses are true athletes, monitoring their health and performance is essential. Monitoring a racehorse over time will allow us to examine the three most important aspects of a racehorse’s health, such as...