Muscle memory in the athletic horse

Muscle memory in the athletic horse

Home ( Page ) During training, the horse engages what is known as his muscle memory, so that his muscles are able to carry out the effort almost automatically. However, the source of this memory is not in the muscle, but in the brain. How does muscle memory develop in...
Conditioning of the athletic horse

Conditioning of the athletic horse

Accueil ( Page ) The conditioning of the athletic horse takes place through physiological changes. During training, the body adapts to the loads applied to his various skeletal, muscular and cardiovascular systems. How do these different systems adapt? What is the...
What is a Data Success Manager?

What is a Data Success Manager?

Home ( Page ) At Arioneo, we do everything possible to help you make the most of your data. To do this, our team of Data Success Managers is at your side to help you fully benefit from our Equimetre solution. In this article, you’ll find out a little more about...
The acid-base balance during exercise

The acid-base balance during exercise

Home 9 Category: Physiology During an effort, the acid-base balance of the horse’s body is disturbed. By using more oxygen and energy, his metabolism produces waste products that acidify his body. Then, the body naturally regulates its pH level in order to...