Jun 9, 2023 | Physiology, Racehorse training
Home 9 Category: Racehorse training ( Page ) Conditioning and training in horses are terms that could be confused. Although both terms lead to an improvement in the horse’s abilities, they do not have the same effects on the horse. This article explains the...
Apr 28, 2023 | Physiology
Home 9 Category: Physiology During an effort, the acid-base balance of the horse’s body is disturbed. By using more oxygen and energy, his metabolism produces waste products that acidify his body. Then, the body naturally regulates its pH level in order to...
Apr 11, 2023 | Physiology, Racehorse training
Home 9 Category: Racehorse training ( Page 5 ) During exercises of varying intensity, the different systems of the horse’s body adapt their function. In this article, we will look at these changes through the respiratory, cardiovascular and muscular...
Mar 23, 2023 | Physiology
Home ( Page ) To ensure its proper functioning, the horse’s body has three key systems: the respiratory, cardiovascular and muscular systems. It is these systems, combined with his extraordinary physique, that enable him to perform at an exceptional level and...
Nov 25, 2022 | Health & Science, Physiology
Home 9 Category: Physiology The set of mechanisms that allows horses to maintain a desired temperature is known as thermoregulation. Thanks to this phenomenon, the horse can maintain a body temperature of around 37.7 °C, with a variation of more or less 2 °C. The...