May 19, 2020 | Stride analysis
Home 9 Racehorse training 9 Category: Stride analysis ( Page 2 ) Assessing the preferred distance of a racehorse plays a major role in his performance. Speed is the essential element to be analyzed to follow the training of a racehorse. But when we think...
May 18, 2020 | Racehorse training, Speed
Horse racing speed analysis is a central issue since the key factor to winning a race lies in managing speed throughout the race. All races are different and many events disrupt the evolution of speed during the race. In order to understand how the parameters...
May 11, 2020 | Racehorse training
Going back to training after an injury or a period of rest in the field is a delicate period for the athletic horse. Several challenges arise and fitness work is subject to questions. How to optimize the return to performance while minimizing the risk of injury? How...
Apr 28, 2020 | Racehorse training
Home 9 Category: Racehorse training ( Page 13 ) Equimetre is an innovative sensor for trainers. It is the result of several years’ research, which has enabled it to develop ever more innovative functions for trainers. In this article, you’ll discover...
Feb 4, 2020 | Physiology, Racehorse training
Home 9 Author archive for thomasguisnel ( Page 15 ) The Heart Rate Trend Chart shows how the horse worked, assesses the intensity of the exercise in relation to the speed of work, and the level of recovery of the horse. These parameters quantify objectively the...